🎤 Speaker line-ups live for WTSFest London, Portland, & Berlin
⌛ Limited super early birds live for Philadelphia, & Melbourne
This initiative is built to give exposure to WTS community members who can share their knowledge in events, meetups and conferences. Please submit your speaker profile using the above form. This is not only limited to Tech SEO. If you would like to make any updates to your card, simply email us with your updates.
Event Organisers
We encourage you to diversify your speaker line-up by reaching out directly to speakers from our community. You can use the tag buttons to filter by specialty.
Submit your Speaker Profile
Please submit your speaker profile using the form below. This is not only limited to Tech SEO. If you would like to make any updates to your card, simply email us with your updates.
Sara Fernández Carmona is an International SEO consultant with experience in UX Design, Localization and Content Strategy. She is the founder of SEO Barcelona and has spoken at events like BrightonSEO, as well as lectured on SEO at the University of Barcelona.
Sara is an SEO specialist at Liip, where she is responsible for the French & Italian-speaking parts of Switzerland. Her main focuses are On-page & tech SEO. Sara has spoken at several marketing conferences in CH and co-founded the Meetup #SEOnerdSwitzerland.
Sarah Burke
Digital Marketing Manager, Cypress North
Buffalo, USA
Sarah is dedicated to making digital marketing decisions based on data. She uses various analytics and reporting tools, as well as the power of Python to collect, analyze and report on data in meaningful ways.
Sarah is a digital marketing specialist who works in paid and organic marketing, public relations, and social media marketing and management to help small businesses find their authentic voice for their audience through a holistic marketing approach.
Digital PR
Local SEO
Tech SEO
Sarah Tamsin is a freelance content creator, website manager and SEO consultant. She has a background in web design, with extensive experience working alongside small businesses, charities, bloggers and digital publishers to help improve their online presence.
Serena Pearson
SEO & ASO Manager, Kaizen
London, UK
SEO & ASO Manager at Kaizen, particularly focusing on technical SEO. Survived in the search industry so far through cake bribery and a keen interest in analytics and excel. Responsible for directing SEO strategy, known for intensive appreciation of formatting.
Shalaka is a passionate marketer and a growth enthusiast and carries 3+ years of experience in the Digital Marketing domain. Currently, she strategizes SEO | ASO | YouTube SEO | SMO at Times Music. Critical thinking and data analytics is her forte.
Shannon has over 8 years of local & global experience in digital content & search marketing (agency and in-house). She has worked with some Australia's largest brands including Toyota, Temple & Webster, Red Energy, iSelect, Medibank & Australian Unity.
As an 18-year industry professional, she specializes in technical SEO, Site Audits and Web Development. She is also a Brand Ambassador for SEO Tool company, SEMrush, and has spoken at many prominent digital marketing conferences over the years.