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Interviewing Levi Williams-Clucas

Welcome to a new Weekly Interviews edition where we interview brilliant women in our industry and share their stories with the world! Anyone is welcome to share their story by simply filling this form, we encourage women from all walks of life in our industry to do so.

Introducing Levi Williams-Clucas, SEO Specialist at StrategiQ. Based in Ipswich, UK - Levi has worked in digital marketing for the last 6 years. She mainly specialises in Local SEO but does a bit of everything. We asked her everything from how she first got into SEO to what empowers her to be the brilliant woman she is 💪🏽

How did you get into SEO?

I started working at a tiny agency in Suffolk for a few months and got the bug for digital marketing. I was then hired at StrategiQ for a PR/Outreach role that I was very new to - and slowly realised that SEO was much more my calling. Fast forward to about 1.5 years ago, I was asked to move into full-time SEO and that's what i've been doing since! I focus mostly on Local but can do a bit of everything.

What is your favourite SEO task?

I just love anything to do with GMB. It's such a quick-win for clients, incredible return on investment and doesn't just help with local visibility, but also national. It's one of those fantastic things that anybody can do, but it's also very skilled for those of us who do it on a professional level which makes it such a widely applicable tactic for SEO.

What is your go-to tool or resource that you can't live without?

I spend a LOT of my time in BrightLocal. I use their citation tracking software for the most part, but also love using their local SERP simulator - I've found it tough to find something that's accurate/specific for local rankings, and their free checker makes it so much easier to see the reality of visibility improvements that can't be so specific in our rank tracking software.

What is something you learned in SEO that made you have an 'AHA' moment?

I think my biggest thing was when I saw ranking improvements in national, big terms that were service-related as an unintended bonus of local optimisation. Realising that Google My Business and general Local SEO isn't just for local SERPs, and that it all works in one big huge machine, where if one cog is failing, it can slow down the rest. I always thought so, but seeing it made a huge difference to how I worked day-to-day.

What is your proudest industry achievement?

I'd say my greatest achievement to date is a client of ours getting almost 1000% ROI on a local campaign for a very small client, who make very few sales online as their business is mostly in-store. That was a proud moment for me knowing they were up 6k because of me!

What advice would you give women who are starting out in SEO?

If something doesn't sit right, speak and say so - or, deal with it whatever way is most comfortable (an email, call, whatever) and actually highlight it when something isn't right and you don't feel heard. You won't always be correct, or listened to, but if those you work with expect you to question them and challenge things, they're more likely to respect your knowledge when it's delivered confidently.

Give a shout out to a woman in the industry who inspires you and tell us why

Oh how long this list is... But my immediate thought, purely down to how closely we have worked together, is Hannah Butler (Rampton) and also, more recently after getting to know her, Miracle Inameti-Archibong. Both these ladies have so much knowledge, love to share it and also are free and happy to admit when something isn't their strongpoint, which for me is just as important as sharing knowledge!

Finally, what empowers you to be the brilliant woman you are?

I focus everything I do on the impact it has on my clients. My empowerment is knowing that the work I've done helps to keep business thriving, families fed and pay checks flowing for my clients and that I've made a difference in their lives. I know that if I can do that for someone, I am just as valid and valuable as anyone else on this planet, female or not!


Thanks Levi for a truly insightful interview, you can connect with Levi on Twitter and LinkedIn.

To view more interviews with brilliant women, check out our Interviews page. If you've enjoyed reading this interview, then we'd love for YOU to share your story with the world! Simply fill this form here, we welcome brilliant SEOs from all walks of life! 🙌🏽