🎤 Speaker line-ups live for WTSFest London, Portland, & Berlin
⌛ Limited super early birds live for Philadelphia, & Melbourne

Speakers Hub


This initiative is built to give exposure to WTS community members who can share their knowledge in events, meetups and conferences. Please submit your speaker profile using the above form. This is not only limited to Tech SEO. If you would like to make any updates to your card, simply email us with your updates.

Event Organisers

We encourage you to diversify your speaker line-up by reaching out directly to speakers from our community. You can use the tag buttons to filter by specialty.

Submit your Speaker Profile

Please submit your speaker profile using the form below. This is not only limited to Tech SEO. If you would like to make any updates to your card, simply email us with your updates.


Chantal Schinkels

Senior Customer Success Manager, Guapa E-commerce

Groningen, Netherlands

Speaking about, writing on, and helping companies grow their e-commerce businesses through SEO and Magento is Chantal’s greatest passion. Her content is typically both strategic and on-trend, but also loaded with practical tips that can be instantly used.


Tech SEO

Charli Hunt

Founder, Proof Content

London, UK


Charli is the Founder of Proof Content, where she's created content strategies and content for brands like npower, Boots, experian and AVEVA. She has previously spoken at Agency Hackers and Brighton SEO, and is interested in speaking about content and AI.


Charlie Byrne

PPC Executive, Impression

Nottingham, UK

Charlie is a PPC Executive in Impression's Paid Media Team, 'Biddable Team of the Year' at the Drum Awards 2020. Her paid media passion is ad copy and creative optimisation, and she is a regular speaker at Impression's university and CSR events.


Charlotte Maghe

Head of SEO , Sortlist

Brussels, Belgium


Charlotte is Head of SEO at Sortlist where she leads the Technical SEO, Link Building and Digital PR team. She also challenges the Content Team in giving them SEO workshops. She takes care of everything related to tech, on-site as well as off-site.



Digital PR

Local SEO

Tech SEO

Chelsey Lang

Head of Marketing, Informa Markets

Dubai, UAE

Chelsey is Head of Marketing at Informa Markets, specialising in using data-driven insight and strategy to grow organic traffic, generate first-party data and create profitable user journeys. She is passionate about combining great analytics, content and SEO.



Chima Mmeje

SEO Copywriter & Content Strategist, Zenith Copy

Abuja, Nigeria


Chima is an SEO copywriter, Content Strategist and the founder of Zenith Copy. She specializes in building topic clusters and improving on-page SEO for SaaS and tech companies. She has written for top brands like Search Engine Watch, Jeff Bullas and Engagebay


Chloe Fair

Senior SEO Manager, Dunelm

Nottingham, UK

Chloe is currently the Senior SEO Manager at Dunelm. She has over 9 years experience in SEO, both inhouse and agency and has spoken at events on International SEO, the search landscape and content strategy.


Local SEO

Tech SEO

Christina Brodzky

Founder & SEO Consultant, MediaSesh

Denver, USA


Christina Brodzky is the founder of MediaSesh and has been in the SEO industry since 2009. She helps businesses to be found by their customers on search engines and conducts SEO trainings to empower individuals to make impactful decisions based on data.



Local SEO

Tech SEO

Christina Ehrensberger

SEO Consultant, Consultina

Guadalajara, Mexico


Tina specializes in technical and e-Commerce SEO since 2013. Consultina is her agency where she works with clients from around the world. She is passionate about teaching SEO and having a more diverse group of SEOs in Mexico and Latin America.

Tech SEO

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